Intercultural is a recent word which had been existing almost since ever, as consuetudinary reality in the world of history. An intercultural liaison between cultures or individuals may establish provided that equal and reciprocal dignity is recognized, despite evident differences, based on the acceptance of the latter and on the will to manage a relation or a coexistence aimed to preserve its worth making reciprocally understandable thoughts, behaviors and believes: all this is means first being aware of and able to understand ourselves.
Nowadays translating is getting more and more an intercultural activity: for this reason an aware translator has to be able to transpose from a language into another not only words or syntactical/grammatical constructs, but also life concepts, intentions, behaviors, courses of action and expectations of the origin text without betraying its authenticity, through the progressive upgrading of his potential.
It is fundamental that the role of the translator blends with the one of the cultural mediator: the purpose is to adapt the origin text to the cultural codes of the recipients; the translator has to identify these codes as well as to evaluate how to proceed in its work, deciding which elements need to be captured and/or adapted and how to present the recipients the peculiarities of the origin culture.
The translator represents a connection promoting cultural interaction between different cultures; to do this, he necessarily need not only his bilingual resources, but especially his bicultural ones.
Nowadays translating is more an intercultural communication activity, going beyond the role of the translator as an invisible presence.